Thursday, January 17, 2008

Residents Surveyed By Chamber

Cottonwood Mall Redevelopment Survey
Sample Size: 410
Tolerated error: + - .83%
Universe: 3300 South to 1100 East to Mountain
Conducted: January 9-11, 2008 By Dan Jones & Associates.

What do you think the most pressing issue facing the Holladay/Cottonwood area at the present time?

Mentioned Cottonwood Mall (unaided) 54%

Have you seen or read details of the proposed Cottonwood Mall redevelopment project?

Yes 67%

Generally, do you favor or oppose the redevelopment of the Cottonwood Mall?

Favor or Strongly Favor 75%
Oppose or Strongly Oppose 17%

Which of the following would you prefer?
A) Channeling a portion of the future property taxes to help defray the costs required for infrastructure – guaranteeing that the property owner will go ahead and develop the project.
B) Holding out for a greater amount of property tax revenue and risk losing the project altogether and having the Cottonwood Mall continue to lie vacant.

72% Prefer or Strongly prefer a guarantee, while giving up a portion of tax monies.

22 % Prefer or Strongly prefer holding out, taking a risk on the project.

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